Sunday, February 10, 2013

Be thankful for what's in front of you!

I am still not at the top of my game yet healthwise, but I have a very positive attitude! This is all going to pass & I am going to feel great & have lots of energy soon!
So this weekend we had snow, just like many around the country. I so wanted to get up to the Tehachapi train loop to catch some of that white puffy stuff on the ground. I couldn't cuz of my plugged ears. Could be painful & I don't want that... So I opened up my folder from last April & found this great image just waiting to be seen by all. 
I remember thinking when I was standing on that freezing, snowing hillside, "I hope a colorful train comes by!" Instead I was provided with a white one that I think makes the scene pop with white. It also really shows the loop that the train travels.

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