Friday, March 1, 2013

Stand Your Ground & Look Around

I am finally getting my energy back up & am accomplishing things that have been on hold for a while. It feels great being able to function after work now! I have stopped taking naps when I get home!

El Capitan Merced River 

This past weekend in Yosemite National Park at Horsetail Falls, the sun hits the falls & glows. Lots of conditions make for a successful capture of the falls glowing. Like the weather, it was really cold, if I remember closely, 28 degrees. Not a lot of water in the falls. Was it going to be cloudy or sunny? Or rain on us? Us you say? I was standing in a crowd of at least 200 photographers, tripods, camera's of all kinds, people from all over the world. There were even people just stopping by to see all the fuss.
I remember turning around & people had filled in behind me up the hill in a line about 5 thick. Everyone was trying to find the right view/angle of these glowing falls.

Horsetail Falls Sunset Glow

I stepped away from my camera & stood back taking it all in. Hey Mom, I realized that I wasn't that crazy after all! I ran into some of those people all weekend. They were very nice & fun to chat with & fill the time. I arrived at 3pm & waited to shoot with my spot staked out with my tripod.
I looked to the right and found this scene before me.

Lower Yosemite Falls & Merced River

I had to move forward a few feet to capture the above image, when I turned around someone had swooped in & took my spot..... 'Move your feet, lose your seat!' I just squeezed in right their & shoot away! Hope you enjoy looking at my images!!!

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